Kring Kring Kring Ada Sepeda

Kring Kring Kring Ada Sepeda
Kring Kring Kring, There is a Bicycle
Children's Song
Children's Song
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Kring kring kring ada speda
spedaku roda dua
kudapat dari ayah
karna rajin bekerja
Tok tok tok ada spatu
spatuku kulit lembu
kudapat dari ibu
karena rajin membantu.
Kring kring kring there is a bicycle
my bike has two wheels
I got it from my dad
because I worked diligently
Tok tok tok there are shoes
my shoes are made of cow leather
I got them from my mom
because I helped diligently.
Some words in this songs have been shorten to fit into the beats. ie. speda (sepeda = bicycle), karna (karena = because), spatu (sepatu = shoes).

Thanks to CM2 (5th grade) students, St-Ambreuil (71), France, school year 2008-2009 for singing this song for us and for the illustration!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Janny Rutt for contributing and translating this song and to Monique Palomares for creating the midi tune.
Terima kasih banyak!