Là nel bosco c'è una casetta
An Italian version of "In a Cabin In a Wood"…
Là nel bosco c'è una casetta
There in the Woods There's a Little House
Action Song
Action Song
Là nel bosco c'è una casetta
lo scoiattolo è alla finestra,
vien di corsa un leprottino
bussa al porton.
-Aiuto, aiuto, per carità!
C'è un cacciatore che mi vuol sparar.
-Vieni, vieni, leprottino,
dammi la tua man.
There in the woods there's a little house,
The squirrel is at his window,
A little hare comes running
And knocks at the door.
"Help, help, for pity's sake,
There's a hunter who wants to shoot me."
"Come, come, little hare,
Give me your hand."
Game Instructions
-Spread your fingers like the branches of the trees and shake them. Then draw a square with the hands (the house).
-Mime with your hands a squirrel who wants to lean on something.
-Put your hands on each other, arms horizontal (the window sill).
-"Run" with your hands like the hare.
-Pretend to knock on the door.
-Join hands to beg.
-Pretend to shoot with a rifle.
-Bring hands to yourself (come).
-Reach out to shake someone's hand.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique with Lisa.