I en skov en hytte lå - Danish Children's Songs - Denmark - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


A "nisse" is creature of the Scandinavian mythology, a kind of leprechaun or brownie that looks like a garden gnome. He's also called a "nisse" in Norway, a "tomte" in Sweden and a "tomtenisse" or "tonttu" in Finland.

Game Instructions

-Join the tips of your fingers to form a triangle like the roof of a house.
-Put your hand over your eyes like you're looking out.
-Mime a hare moving across a path (or mime ears with your hands on top of your head.)
-Pretend to knock on a door.
-Join hands as if to beg.
-Pretend to shoot.
-Mime waving a person towards you with your hands like you're telling them to "come".
-Mime shaking hands.

-Pretend to shoot.
-Open your hands in front of you.
-Mime the path of the hare coming (or make bunny ears over your head).
-Mime the path of the hare coming (or make bunny ears).
-Shake your head side to side to say no.
-Mime like you're pushing someone away with your hands.
-Move your hands away from you to show the hunter is leaving.
-Shake your head side to side to say no.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - I en skov en hytte lå

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Monique and Lisa. Image: Glædelig Jul Postcard, ca 1917 by Christian Magnus, edited by Mama Lisa.