Mau Ke Mana?

Mau Ke Mana?
Where Do You Want to Go?
Children's Song
Children's Song
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Ayo, mau ke mana?
Ayo, ke Indonesia
Ayo, bersantai di pantai,
berenang dengan kawan
Ibu, Ibu dan Bapak, Bapak ayo!
Guru, Guru dan anak, anak ayo!
Bercilancar, belayar,
berenang dengan kawan.
Let's go, where do you want to go?
Let's go, to Indonesia,
Let's go, surfing at the beach,
Swimming with friends.
Mums and Dads, let's go!
Teachers and children, let's go!
Surfing, sailing,
Swimming with friends.
The contributor learned this song at school in Indonesia