"The origin of this rhyme is way back in the days shamans used to heal by laying hands on the sick body parts saying healing verses. I used to do it with my children when they had a 'booboo'." -Annemarie Vicsek

Asp Snake Turning
Finger Play
Finger Play
1. Áspis-kerekes
2. Útifüves, leveles
3. Bíbola-bíbola,
4. Paccs-paccs-paccs.
1. Asp snake turning
2. Rib-wort* with leaves
3. Bíbola-bíbola**
4. Slap, slap, slap!
*Rib-wort is in the Plantago Family. According to Wikipedia, "Plantago species have been used since prehistoric times as herbal remedies... Externally, (as) a poultice of the leaves... In folklore it is even claimed to be able to cure snakebite..."
**Enchanting words
Ah-shpish kerekesh
ooty-few-vesh levelesh
Bee-boluh bee-boluh
Game Instructions
1. Draw a circle on the kid's palm with your finger.
2. Útifű is a healing herb and here we draw a four-leave clover.
3. Stroke the kid's hand from the fingers to the wrist on each "bíbola".
4. Gently slap the palm three times.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Annemarie Vicsek for sharing this rhyme with us! Thanks to Szarka Peter for the translation (with Lisa)!