עבדים היינו
(Avadim Hayinu)
A song from the Haggadah that's read on Passover. The English version is also singable to the tune.
The pronunciation can be found in the Song Notes.
עבדים היינו
(Avadim Hayinu)
We Were Slaves
Passover Song
Passover Song
עבדים היינו, היינו
עתה בני חורין, בני חורין
עבדים היינו
עתה, עתה בני חורין
עבדים היינו
עתה עתה בני חורין
בני חורין.
עתה עתה בני חורין
בני חורין.
We were slaves, we were slaves,
Now we're free, we're free
We were slaves
Now, we're free
We were slaves
Now we're free
We're free
Now we're free
We're free.
Avadim hayinu, hayinu
Atah b'nai chorin, b'nai chorin
Avadim hayinu
Atah, atah b'nai chorin
Avadim hayinu
Atah, atah b'nai chorin
B'nai chorin
Atah, atah b'nai chorin
B'nai chorin.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Joanie Calem for pointing out this song to us and for helping with the translation!