Hi ha neu a la muntanya
A carol from the Balearic Islands…
Hi ha neu a la muntanya
There is Snow on the Mountain
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Hi ha neu a la muntanya
I a la terra molt de fred;
Tremolant damunt les palles,
Allà està el bon Jesuset.
Ningú es cansa de mirar-lo,
Tan petit, tan agradós;
Té grasones les manetes,
Té l'ull viu i el cabell ros.
Té una rosa en cada galta
i per boca té un clavell;
i del sol la llum tan viva,
no és tan resplendent com ell.
I tremola entre palletes
que fa fred i l'aire és viu.
Li canta un estol d'àngels
i ell s'adorm mentre somriu.
There is snow on the mountain
And it's very cold on earth;
Shivering on the straw,
The good Baby Jesus lies there.
No one tires of looking at him,
So small, so pleasant;
He has chubby hands,
He has vivid eyes and blond hair.
He has a rose on each cheek
And on his mouth, he has a carnation,
And the very bright light of the sun
Is not as dazzling as him.
And he's shivering on the straw
Because it's cold and the air is bracing,
A group of angels sings to him
And he falls asleep smiling.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.