Megyen már a hajnalcsillag lefelé
"This is a very well-known folk song that exists in many versions. The one I translated is my recorded version. The song was collected Bartók Béla at Vésztő, in the county of Békés." –Tinker Jack
Megyen már a hajnalcsillag lefelé
The Morning Star Has Started To Descend
Folk Song
Folk Song
Megyen már a hajnalcsillag lefelé,
Az én kedves galambom most megyen hazafelé.
Lábán van a csizmája, lakkosszárú kiscsizma.
Rásütött a hajnalcsillag sugára.
Amerre mégy, édes rózsám, kívánom,
Hogy előtted a föld is piros rózsává váljon.
Hogy előtted a rét is piros almát teremjen,
A te szíved holtig el ne feledjen.
The morning star* has started to descend
My sweet dove is now going home
There are little boots with lacquered boot-shafts on his/her feet**,
The beam of the morning star has shined on them.
Wherever you go, my sweet rose, I wish for you
That even the ground would turn into red roses in front of you
Even the green grass would yield some apples for you
And your heart would never forget me till death.
*"This is the everyday name for the planet Venus. In Hungarian, it's called 'Esthajnalcsillag', literally: 'evening and dawn star'. A long time ago it was a guiding star for shepherds living under the sky. It helped travellers navigate."- Tinker Jack
** There is no grammatical gender in Hungarian, so the song can be addressed to a man or a woman.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for contributing and translating this song and for providing the notes.
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