A malomnak nincsen köve
"This song has more stanzas. I would say the first two are the more popular ones. It might be due to the fact that the rest seems to be quite dramatic." –Tinker Jack
A malomnak nincsen köve
The Mill Doesn't Have a Millstone
Folk Song
Folk Song
A malomnak nincsen köve,
mégis lisztet jár, mégis lisztet jár*,
tiltják tőlem a rózsámat,
mégis hozzám jár,**
tiltják tőlem a rózsámat,
mégis hozzám jár.
Adsza rózsám a kezedet,
forduljunk egyet, forduljunk*** egyet,
aztán menjünk ki a kertbe,
hadd szedjünk meggyet,
aztán menjünk ki a kertbe,
hadd szedjünk meggyet.
The mill doesn't have a millstone
Yet it grinds flour, yet it grinds flour,
I am forbidden to see my rose
Yet (s)he keeps coming back
I am forbidden to see my rose
Yet (s)he keeps coming back.
Give me your hand, my rose,
Let's turn one, let's turn one
Then, let's go out to the garden
And let's get picking some sour cherries
Then, let's go out to the garden
And let's get picking some sour cherries.
*"jár" - it literally means "to thread" and it's a common verb in Hungarian songs to refer to "dance" since it can be stepped in a rhythmic way.
**i.e: The lovers keep visiting the singer.
***"forduljunk" – in connection with dancing.

"The recording is mine. Once I had a student from Matyóföld. I only remember her first name: Teréz. Her mother sang some songs for me. The song was found by Béla Bartók in Transylvania." –Tinker Jack
Thanks to Tinker Jack for the recording!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Tinker Jack for contributing and translating this song, for his comments and for contributing the mp3.
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