Pueri concinite
"A favorite of my grandson..." -Barbara
Pueri concinite
Sing Together, Children
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Pueri concinite
Nato regi psallite
Voce pia dicite,
Apparuit quem genuit Maria!
Sum implenta quae praedixit Gabriel.
Eia! Eia!
Virgo Deum genuit
Quem divina voluit clementia
Hodie apparuit
Apparuit in Israel
Ex Marie virgine
Natus est Rex!
Sing together children,
Praise the newborn king
In pious tones, say,
He who was born of Mary has appeared!
The word of Gabriel has been fulfilled
Rejoice! Rejoice!
The Virgin has given birth to a God
And His sweet divinity accepted it
Today he has appeared,
He appeared in Israel
To the Virgin Mary
Was born a King!
1st composed by 16th century Slovenian composer Jacob Handl (1550–1591).
Later Handl's lyrics were given a different musical setting by Austrian musician Johann Von Herbeck (1831-1877).

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Barbara Huet de Guerville for sharing this song! Translation by Lisa, based on the CPDL translation.