El coquí (Versión 2)
El coquí (Versión 2)
The Coqui (Version 2)
Canción infantil
Children's Song
El coquí, el coquí a mí me encanta
Es tan lindo el cantar del coquí
Por las noches al ir a acostarme
Me adormece cantándome así:
Coquí, coquí, coquí-qui-qui-qui
Coquí, coquí, coquí-qui-qui-qui.
The coqui, the coqui makes me happy,
The coqui's singing is very nice
In the evening, when I go to bed
It makes me sleep singing to me like this:
Coqui, coqui, coqui, qui, qui, qui
Coqui, coqui, coqui, qui, qui, qui
A coqui (co-ckee) is a very small frog that can be found only in Puerto Rico. During the nights it makes a characteristic sound, coqui, coqui, coqui.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Gustavo Loigge for suggesting this song to us!
¡Muchas gracias!