Pinto pinto gorgorito
(Versión 2)
A Spanish rhyme like "Eeeny Meeny Miney Moe".
"Pito pito gorgorito" is a variation of the 1st line.
Pinto pinto gorgorito
(Versión 2)
Spotted, Spotted, Trill
(2nd Version)
Rima de sorteo
Counting-out Rhyme
Pinto, pinto, gorgorito,
saca la vaca de veinticinco.
¿En qué lugar?
En Portugal.
¿En qué calleja?
En la Moraleja.
Esconde la mano
que viene la vieja.
Spotted, spotted, trill,
Take the cow out at twenty-five*
In what place?
In Portugal.
In what alley?
In the Moraleja**
Hide the hand
Because the old woman is coming.
*It's implied that it's a currency.
**La Moraleja is an affluent residential district in northern Madrid, Spain.

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