Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
Santa Claus with His White Hair
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
A sosit de prin nămeţi
Şi aduce daruri multe
La fetiţe şi băieţi
Moş Crăciun, Moş Crăciun
Din bătrani se povesteşte
Că-n toţi anii negreşit
Moş Crăciun pribeag soseşte
Niciodată n-a lipsit
Moş Crăciun, Moş Crăciun
Moş Crăciun cu plete dalbe
Incotro vrei s-o apuci
Ţi-aş canta Florile dalbe
De la noi să nu te duci!
Moş Crăciun, Moş Crăcïun!
Santa Claus with his white hair
Has arrived through the snow drifts
Bringing lots of gifts
For little girls and boys.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
The grandparents tell stories
That every year, without exception
Old Santa Claus arrives
He's never missed once.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
Santa Claus with your white hair
Where do you want to go?
I would sing to you "Florile Dalbe"*
Just to have you stay here with us!
Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
*"Florile Dalbe" is another Romanian Christmas carol.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Cantece Gradinita for contributing and translating this song and for sharing the animation!
Mulţumesc mult!