Ein kleiner Matrose
Ein kleiner Matrose
A Little Sailor
Finger Play
Finger Play
Ein kleiner Matrose umsegelte die Welt.
Er liebte ein Mädchen, das hatte gar kein Geld.
Das Mädchen muss sterben, und wer war Schuld daran?
Ein kleine Matrose in seinem Liebeswahn.
A little sailor sailed around the world.
He loved a girlie who had no money at all.
The girlie had to die, and who was to blame?
A little sailor with his love madness.
The tune comes from Der Mai ist gekommen in 1842 by Justus W. Lyra (1822-1882).
Game Instructions
The song is accompanied by the following gestures:
Ein (a) - Put up your forefinger to mime a one. (In Germany they put up their thumb to show "one".)
Kleiner (small) - Make a small distance between your thumb and forefinger.
Matrose (sailor) - Make a sailor greeting, hand on an imaginary sailor cap.
Umsegelte (sailed around) - Make an undulating wave motion with your hand.
Welt (world) - Make a movement with both hands pantomiming a round globe.
Er liebte (he loved) - Hand on heart or hug yourself.
Ein Mädchen (a girl) - Make or imply feminine shapes with both hands with a vertical undulation.
Das hatte gar kein (but had no) - Shake head "no".
Geld (money) - Rub your thumb and fingers together.
Das Mädchen (the girl) - Make or imply feminine shapes with vertical undulation.
Muss sterben (had to die) - Make action like cutting the throat.
Und wer war Schuld daran (and who was to blame) - Shrug.
Ein (a) - Make a sign of one with your finger.
Kleiner (small) - Make a small distance between your thumb and forefinger.
Matrose (sailor) - Make a sailor greeting.
Leibes (love) - Hug yourself.
-wahn (mad) - Swirl forefinger in front of your scalp like you're crazy.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa and Monique.