Raţuştele mele pe apă s-au dus
A Romanian version of the German song "Alle meine Enchen"…

Raţuştele mele pe apă s-au dus
My Little Ducks Went On The Water
Children's Song
Children's Song
Raţuştele mele pe apă s-au dus,
Raţuştele mele pe apă s-au dus,
Stau cu ciocu-n apă şi codiţa-n sus,
Stau cu ciocu-n apă şi codiţa-n sus.
Raţuştele mele inoată în iaz,
Raţuştele mele inoată în iaz,
Dau din aripioare şi fac mare haz,
Dau din aripioare şi fac mare haz.
După atâta joacă foamea a venit,
După atâta joacă foamea a venit,
Şi pornesc grăbite drept la pescuit,
Şi pornesc grăbite drept la pescuit.
Au mâncat mult peşte şi s-au săturat
Au mâncat mult peşte şi s-au săturat
Una dupa alta, spre casă-au plecat,
Una dupa alta, spre casă-au plecat.
Mergand catre casă ele macaiesc,
Mergand catre casă ele macaiesc,
Stau apoi la umbră şi se odihnesc,
Stau apoi la umbră şi se odihnesc.
My little ducks went on the water,
My little ducks went on the water,
They stay with their head in the water and their tail up (dabbling)
They stay with their head in the water and their tail up (dabbling).
My little ducks swim in the pond
My little ducks swim in the pond
They flap their wings and have great fun
They flap their wings and have great fun.
After playing so much, they got hungry
After playing so much, they got hungry
So they went fishing in a hurry
So they went fishing in a hurry.
They ate a lot of fish and now they are stuffed
They ate a lot of fish and now they are stuffed
One after the other, they start going home
One after the other, they start going home.
While going home, they quack
While going home, they quack
And after that under the shadow they all rest
And after that under the shadow they all rest.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Cantece Gradinita for contributing and translating this song and for sharing his animation!
Mulţumesc mult!