Oac Oac Diri Diri Dam
Oac Oac Diri Diri Dam
Croak, Croak, "Diri Diri Dam"
Children's Song
Children's Song
Ce petrecere frumoasă
E la margine de lac,
Broscărimea bucuroasă
Are vin şi cozonac.
Oac oac diri diri dam
Oac oac oac oac diri diri dam
Oac oac diri diri dam
Oac oac oac oac diri diri dam
Un broscoi cântă la cobză
Şi o broască la ţambal
O broscuţă mică, strâmbă
Vrea să joace sus, pe deal.
Dintr-o trestie ȋnaltă
A ieşit un câine şchiop
Broscărimea speriată
A luat-o la galop.
What a beautiful party
At the edge of the lake,
The happy frogs
Have wine and sponge cake.
Croak, Croak, Diri Diri Dam
Croak, Croak, Croak, Croak, Diri Diri Dam,
Croak, Croak, Diri Diri Dam
Croak, Croak, Croak, Croak, Diri Diri Dam.
A frog plays the cobza*
And another plays the cimbalom
A little frog
Wants to play up the hill.
From a tall reed field
A hobbling dog comes out
And all the scared frogs
Start running away.
*A stringed instrument in the lute family.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Adrian Danila for sharing this song and the video and for translating it to English.
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