Duérmete niño
Sara sent us this song with the note: "'Duérmete niño' is traditionally sung in Mexico. But this is not a very familiar or popular version."
This version of "Duermete mi nino" uses the tune to "Rock-a-bye Baby". However, aside from the first line with "Duérmete niño", the rest of the lyrics are different from the other versions of this song.

Duérmete niño
Sleep Baby
Canción de cuna
Duérmete niño, duérmete ya,
Que mientras tanto te canta Mamá,
Los pajaritos duermen también
Mientras sus padres buscan de comer.
Sleep baby, sleep now,
While Mommy is singing to you,
The birdies sleep too
While their parents look for food.
-"Duérmete" literally means "fall asleep".
-"Que mientras tanto te canta mamá" literally means, "Because in the meanwhile Mommy is singing to you" (i.e. Mom's singing to you while you're falling asleep).

Many thanks to Sara Quintanar from Music with Sara for sharing this song and recording with us!
Sara wrote, "The version I have of 'Duérmete niño' was used in an old (very old) Bilingual education book, and it was noted as a traditional folk song from Latin America. I wrote the song arrangements, and a friend of mine Albert Romero played the violin."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique for the English translation.
Image: August Macke