"'Nona Manis' (Sweet Girl) is a traditional folk song from the Maluku Province. It is also very popular throughout Indonesia. The 3rd verse is a more recent addition to the song." -Lin


Lin sent more modern lines with the following commentary:

- The phrase 'rasa sayang sayange' is often replaced by either of these lines:

Yang punya ibu saya = My mother is the owner.
Yang punya mama saya = My mom is the owner.

- The following verse is often added (same as 3rd verse in the lyrics):

Ingat ingat itu Remember ('Remember is' Remember.)
Jangan lupa itu Don't Forget ("Do not forget" is Don't forget.)
Aku cinta itu I Love You ('I love is' I love you.)
Hanya kamu Only You. ('Only you is' Only You.)

This is not a formal verse, only for fun.

But I think it's a nice way to learn a bit about Indonesian phases for:

Remember, don't forget, I love you, only you.

Isn't that sweet?" -Lin


Here is Sadao's English translation which goes with the tune...

Whose angel is that girl?
Whose angel is that girl?
Whose angel is that girl?
No, she is for everyone.

Who's going to get her?
Who's going to get her?
Who's going to get her?
No, she is going far-away.

We should remember the girl
We shouldn't forget her
We all love that girl
We will never forget her.


Sadao wrote, "Here in Japan this song is quite popular. The Japanese title is 'Kawaii Anokowa Dareno Mono' or 'Who owns that cute girl?'"


You can hear the tune to this song in the mp3 below.


Many thanks to Sadao Mazuka for sharing this song, for the music and translation.

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Lin Fadelan for her commentary, the modern lines and the literal translation (which was done with Mama Lisa).