Häschen in der Grube

Häschen in der Grube
Little Rabbit in Your Burrow
Häschen in der Grube saß und schlief,
saß und schlief.
"Armes Häschen, bist du krank,
daß du nicht mehr hüpfen kannst?
Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf!"
Häschen, vor dem Hunde, hüte dich
hüte dich.
Hat gar einen scharfen Zahn,
packt damit das Häschen an.
Häschen, lauf, Häschen, lauf, Häschen, lauf!
Little rabbit sat in his burrow and was asleep,
Sat and slept,
"Poor little rabbit, are you ill,
So you can't hop about any more?
Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop!
Little rabbit, beware of the dog, beware!
It has a very sharp tooth
To catch Little rabbit with.
Little rabbit, run! Little rabbit, run! Little rabbit, run!"
Here's an alternate translation of the first verse by Lisa:
Rabbit in the ditch
Sits and sleeps
Sits and sleeps
Poor rabbit, are you sick
So you can't hop anymore?
Rabbit, hop! Rabbit, hop! Rabbit, hop!
Game Instructions
This song is sung while playing a game, the children jump up on the command "häschen hüpf" (rabbit hop).
Melody: Karl Enslin (1919-1875)

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to INTER-COM Translations for contributing and translating this song and to Monique Palomares for creating the midi music. Many thanks also to Ulrike Bernhard for contributing the second verse and to Maguy Cabrol for translating it into French.
Many thanks to Lisa and the staff from the German Australian Playschool in Canberra, Australia, for the alternate translation of the first verse.
Vielen Dank!