Ya viene la vieja

Ya viene la vieja
Here Comes the Old Lady
Canción de Navidad
Christmas Carol
Ya viene la vieja
con el aguinaldo
le parece mucho
le viene quitando,
le parece mucho
le viene quitando.
Pampanitos verdes
hojas de limón
la Virgen María
Madre del Señor.
Ya vienen los Reyes
por los arenales
ya le traen al Niño
muy ricos pañales,
ya le traen al Niño
muy ricos pañales.
Ya vienen los Reyes
por aquel camino
ya le traen al Niño
sopitas con vino,
ya le traen al Niño
sopitas con vino.
Here comes the old lady
With a Christmas bonus,
It seems like too much to her,
She takes some out,
It seems like too much to her,
She takes some out.
Tender green vines,
Lemon leaves,
The Virgin Mary,
The Lord's Mother.
Here come the Kings
Across the sands,
They bring the Child
Very fine swaddling clothes,
They bring the Child
Very fine swaddling clothes.
Here come the Kings
From that way
They bring the Child
Soaked bread and wine,
They bring the Child
Soaked bread and wine.
Monique says, "There are variations to this carol, such as the one below that I learned at school":
Ya viene la vieja
con el aguinaldo
le parece mucho
le viene quitando,
le parece mucho
le viene quitando.
Champán y torteles,
hoja de limón,
la Virgen María,
madre del Señor.
Ya vienen los Reyes,
por el Arenal*,
ya le traen al Niño
rico mazapán,
ya le traen al Niño
rico mazapán.
Ya vienen los Reyes
por aquel camino,
ya le traen al Niño
tortitas con vino
ya le traen al Niño
tortitas con vino.
English Translation
Here comes the old lady
With her Christmas tip,
It seems like too much to her,
She takes some out,
It seems like too much to her,
She takes some out.
Champagne and donuts*,
Lemon leaves,
The Virgin Mary,
The Lord's mother.
Here come the Kings
From the Arenal**,
They bring the Child
Delicious marzipan,
They bring the Child
Delicious marzipan.
Here come the Kings
From that way
They bring the Child
Little pies and wine,
They bring the Child
Little pies and wine.
*A "tortel" is actually an "O" shaped pastry of variable size, filled with cream. New Orleans' Kings cake is a big "tortel".
** The Arenal is a district in Seville that had its ports very long ago. "Arenal" means "sandy area".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique and Lisa.
Image: From the Khamsa of Nizami: The Old Woman complaining to Sultan Sanjar, Sultan Muhammad, Turkey, 1543.
¡Muchas gracias!