Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
This is like the American children's song "I Like to Eat Apples and Bananas" - where you repeat the same verse over and over again, but on each repetition you make the words have a specific vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).
The translation is singable.

Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
Three Chinese with a Double Bass
Vowel Song
Vowel Song
Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass
saßen auf der Straße und erzählten sich was.
Da kam die Polizei, fragt "šWas ist denn das?
Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass.
Dra Chanasan mat dam Kantrabass
saßan af dar Straßa and arzahltan sach was.
Da kam da Palaza, fragt, was ast dann das?
Dra Chanasan mat dam Kantrabass.
Dre Chenesen met dem Kentrebess
seßen ef der Streße end erzehlten sech wes.
De kem de Peleze, fregt, wes est denn des?
Dre Chenesen met dem Kentrebess.
Dri Chinisin mit dim Kintribiss
sißin if dir Strißi ind irzihltin sich wis.
Di kim di Pilizi, frigt, wis ist dinn dis?
Dri Chinisin mit dim Kintribiss.
Dro Chonoson mot dom Kontroboss
soßon of dor Stroßo ond orzohlton soch wos.
Do kom do Polozo, frogt, wos ost donn dos?
Dro Chonoson mot dom Kontroboss.
Dru Chunusun mut dum Kuntrubuss
sußun uf dur Strußu und urzuhltun such wus.
Du kum du Puluzu, frugt, wus ust dunn dus?
Dru Chunusun mut dum Kuntrubuss…*
Three Chinese with a double bass
Sat on the street and chatted somewhat.
Along came the police: "Now what is that?"
Three Chinese with a double bass.
Thra Chanasah wath ah dabla basse
Sat anne tha strat and chattad sama-what.
Alang cama tha palace: "Naw what as that?"
Thra Chanasa wath ah dabla basse.
Threh Cheneseh weth eh deble besse
Set en the stret end chetted seme-whet.
Eleng cemeh theh pelece: "Neuw whet es thet?"
Thre Cheneseh weth eh deble besse.
Three Cheeneesee weeth ee deeblee beesse
Seet een thee street eend cheetteed seem-wheet.
Eeleeng ceemee thee peeleece: "Neew wheet ees theet?"
Three Cheeneesee weeth ee deeblee beesse.
Throw Chonoso woth oh doblo bosse
Sot own tho strowt ond chotod some-wot.
Olong como tho poloce: "No whot osse thot?"
Thro Chonoso woth oh doblo bosse.
Thru Chunusu wuth ou doublu busse
Sut un thu strut und chuttud sume-wut.
Ulung cumu thu puluce: "New whut use thut?"
Thru Chunusu wuth ou doublu busse…
*There are more verses using the other vowels of the German language (ä, ö, ü) and even diphthongs (au, ai…).
This is sometimes sung as a bus song on long trips.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation by Monique Palomares (with Lisa).
Vielen Dank!