"Lir-ilir" is an expression about the time when you're in between being asleep and awake. In addition, it can mean "wake up" or it can be idiomatic for "wake up and live".
![Lir-ilir - Indonesian Children's Songs - Indonesia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World - Intro Image Lir-ilir - Indonesian Children's Songs - Indonesia - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World - Intro Image](
Lir-ilir, lir-ilir
Tandure wis sumilir
Tak ijo royo-royo tak senggo penganten anyar
Cah angon-cah angon penekno blimbing kuwi
Lunyu-lunyu yo penekno kanggo ngisah dhodhot-iro
Dhodhot-iro, dhodhot-iro, kumitir bedah ing pinggir
Ndondomono jlumatono kanggo sebah mengko sore
Mumpung padhang rembulane mumpung jembar kalangane
Yo surako… surak hore…
Lir-ilir, lir-ilir*
The seeds are blossoming**
So rich and green, just like newlyweds.
Shepherd boy, shepherd boy, please climb up that starfruit tree,
It is slippery, but please climb it, (I need the fruit) to wash (my) clothes
My clothing, my clothing is torn down the side
(I need to) mend it quickly to go to the (king's) court this evening
While the moon is bright, while many people gather,
Let's cheer together. Cheers! Hooray!
*This is an expression about when you're between being asleep and awake. It can mean wake up or be more idiomatic for wake up and live.
**Blossoming into field-plants
The original version of this song was written by Sunan Kalijaga (1460 - ?). The original version is slightly different from the lyrics above.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Image: Marianne North (1872)
(Matur nuwun)