Highland Fairy Lullaby
The Highland Fairy Lullaby is a warning to mothers not to leave their babies alone because they might be abducted by fairies.

Highland Fairy Lullaby
She left her baby lying here,
Lying here, lying here,
She left her baby lying here
To go and gather blaeberries*.
She saw the wee brown otter's track,
Otter's track, otter's track ;
She saw the wee brown otter's track,
But she ne'er saw her baby!
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
She never found her baby.
She searched the moorland tarns and then,
Wandered through the silent glen;
And she saw the mist upon the ben,
But she never saw her baby.
She heard the curlew crying far,
Crying far, crying far,
She heard the curlew crying far,
But she never heard her baby.
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
Gorry o go, gorry o go;
Ho-van, ho-van gorry o go,
She lost her darling baby.
She left her baby lying here,
Lying here, lying here,
She left her baby lying here.
To go and gather blaeberries.
*Blaeberries grow in Scotland (see photo at top of page). They're also called "bilberries". They're darker in color than blueberries and the inside is red or purple.
Other Scottish Words:
Tarn: Lake
Ben: Mountain
A curlew is a type of bird.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
This lullaby was first printed in the Duanaire, edited by D. C. Macpherson (1864). This version of the Highland Fairy Lullaby comes from Goochywahwah's version in his YouTube video.
Photo: Wikipedia