Aki nem lép egyszerre
Aki nem lép egyszerre
Those Who Can't Walk in Step
Children's Song
Children's Song
Aki nem lép egyszerre,
nem kap rétest estére.
Mert a rétes igen jó,
katonának az való.
Nem megyünk mi messzire,
csak a világ végire.
Ott sem leszünk sokáig,
csak tizenkét óráig.
Those who can't walk in step,
Won't get strudel in the evening.
For the strudel* is very good,
It's for the soldiers.
We're not going too far,
Just till the fringes of the village.
We won't be there too long,
Just for twelve hours.
*Strudel: rolled pastry that's usually stuffed with apples and dried fruit (like raisins, walnuts, almonds…). It usually has powdered sugar on the top.
Game Instructions
The children march around to the beat of the song. They clap or use percussions.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Zosfia Valentin for contributing this song, for providing the English translation, score and game instructions.
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