Bananas Are the Best
Bananas Are the Best
Children's Song
Banana, banana, bananas are the best
A nice squishy middle in a big yella vest
Today or manyana, ah'll be sayin 'Can ah,
Can ah have a ba-na-na?
What am ah goin to have for ma tea? Banana!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday? Banana!
What's ma Sunday dinner goin to be? Banana!
Can ah have a ba-na-na?
Fifty million monkeys can't be wrong - banana!
From totie wans tae Old King Kong - banana!
They all love to sing this song - banana!
'Can ah have a ba-na-na?'
It's perfect with ice cream - banana!
It's a banana dream - banana!
We're all going to SCREAM - banana!
Can ah have a ba-na-na?

Many thanks to Ewan McVicar, who wrote this song, for kindly allowing us to post it along with his rendition. You'll find the sheet music, more verses and info at Learning and Teaching Scotland