Traditional Russian tongue twisters:
Tongue Twisters #2
Tongue Twister
Tongue Twister
1. Ехал Грека через реку,
Видит Грека в реке рак.
Сунул Грека руку в реку,
Рак за руку Греку цап!
2. На дворе трава на траве дрова,
не руби дрова на траве двора.
1. Greka was crossing a river
Greka saw a crayfish in the river;
Greka put his hand in the river
The crayfish bit Greka's hand.
2. There is grass in the yard, there are logs on the grass,
Don't chop the logs on the grass of the yard.
1. Yekhal Greka cherez reku,
Vidit Greka - v reke rak,
Sunul Greka ruku v reku,
Rak za ruku Greku tsap!
2. Na dvore trava, na trave drova,
ne rubi drova na trave dvora.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Elena Oks for contributing these tongue twisters.
Translations from Wikiquote Russian Tongue Twisters.
Болшое спасибо!
Bolshoe spasibo!