A la rueda de San Miguel
This is a circle game, so the first line is like singing "Ring Around the Rosie".

A la rueda de San Miguel
The Circle of St. Miguel
Danza en círculo
Circle Dance
A la rueda, a la rueda de San Miguel
Todos traen su caja de miel.
A lo maduro, a lo maduro
Que se voltee (nombre del niño) de burro.
To the circle, to the circle of St. Miguel,
Everyone brings their carton of honey,
When it's ripe, when it's ripe,
Let donkey (name of child) turn around.
Game Instructions
The children form a circle holding hands and one child goes in the middle. When that child calls another kid by name (putting it in the song on the last line), that child who was called turns with their back towards the inner circle. They keep going around until all the children have their backs turned. Then, the song is done over again until all the children are facing the inner circle again.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Virginia Torres for contributing this song. Translated by Tatie Monique and Mama Lisa.
Illustration by Helen Hyde.
¡Muchas gracias!