Pok Ame Ame
"In Jakarta, there's a song known as 'Pok Ame Ame' (meaning 'clap your hands together'). The song has a rap style. :) The lyrics may vary." -Lin
Pok Ame Ame
Clap, Clap Your Hands
Clapping Game for Babies
Clapping Game for Babies
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Pok Ame Ame
Belalang kupu-kupu
Siang makan nasi
Kalau malam minum susu
Let's clap, clap your hands
Grasshopper and butterfly
Eat rice for your lunch meal
And drink your milk at night.
Lin wrote: "The song is originally from Melayu region, which is the Eastern region of North Sumatra Province. Foreigners have often mistaken the word 'Melayu' as the word 'Malay' (Malaysian country). Actually the word Melayu is referred to as Melayu ethnic (which is originally from Tanah Deli /Deli Land at the eastern region of North Sumatra Province), Melayu language, and Melayu traditional songs and dances. Many Melayu people travel to Riau, Jambi and West Sumatra Provinces (Indonesia), Singapore and the Malaysia region. Many of them then settle down and live there."

Many thanks to Christina (Pangaribuan) DeBord and her family, especially her mother, Rentauli Sitinjak, (singing to Davina D) for sharing the recording and the 2nd video below!

Other Lyrics:
(According to the video)
Pok ame ame
belalang kupu-kupu…
tepuk biar ramai
pagi-pagi minum susu
Let's clap, clap your hands
Grasshopper and butterfly
Clap, clap, and be merry
And drink your milk in the morning.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Lin Fadelan for contributing and translating this song. Many thanks to Innosanto Nagara for videotaping and recording this song for us!
Terima kasih banyak-banyak!