Bangun tidur
Bangun tidur
When I Wake Up
Children's Song
Children's Song
(Bahasa Indonesia)
Bangun tidur, ku terus mandi…
Tidak lupa menggosok gigi
Habis mandi ku tolong ibu...
Membersihkan tempat tidurku...
When I wake up, I take a bath right away
I never forget to brush my teeth
After bathing, I help my mother
Make my bed.
Innosanto Nagara wrote: "There is a tradition amongst kids to throw in the line (very quickly), 'Bantal guling bau pesing!' at the end of the song. It means 'Pillows and bolsters smell sour (a.k.a. smell like pee)'. It's considered a bit naughty, just enough that the teachers are supposed to frown on it, but kids all yell it together and end up in fits of giggles."
Ira said he welcomes suggestions to fine-tune the translation.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ira Rahmawati Bekasi (from West Java), and his niece Shafa, for contributing and translating this song. Thanks to Harri Saptadi for the score and to Monique Palomares for the midi. Many thanks to Innosanto Nagara for commenting on this song!
Terima kasih banyak!