Dice il pollice
This Little Piggy in Italian...

Dice il pollice
The Thumb Says
Finger Play
Finger Play
Dice il pollice: Non c'è più pane !
Dice l'indice: come faremo?
Dice il medio: lo compreremo
Dice: l'anulare: ce n'è un pezzettino
Dice il mignolo: datelo a me che sono il più piccolino.
The thumb says, "There is no bread!"
The pointer says, "What will we do?"
The middle finger says, "We'll buy it."
The ring finger says, "There's a small piece."
The pinky says, "Give it to me for I am the smallest".
Anna Calise sent another version:
This Little Piggy in Italian...
Pollice dice non c'e' pane
Indice dice come faremo ?
Medio dice lo compreremo
Anulare dice, ma c'e n'e' un pezzettino
e Mignolo dice: dammelo a me che io sono il piu' piccino.
English Translation:
Thumb says, "There is no bread."
Index says, "What will we do?"
Middle says, "We will buy it."
Ring says, "There is a little piece."
And Pinky says, "Give it to me, because I'm the smallest."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Emanuela for contributing and translating the 1st version of this song and to Anna Calise for the 2nd version.
Thanks to Sarina Longin for the drawing of the hand!
Grazzie mille!