Naranja dulce
Naranja dulce
Sweet Orange
Canción infantil
Finger Play
Naranja dulce
Limón partido
dame un abrazo
que yo te pido.
Si fuera falso
tu juramento,
en un momento
te olvidaré.
Toca la marcha,
mi pecho llora,
adiós señora,
que ya me voy.
Si acaso muero
en la batalla,
tened cuidado
de no llorar.
Porque su llanto
puede ser tanto
que hasta pudiera
Sweet orange,
Sliced lemon too,
Give me the hug
I ask from you.
If your oath
Were untrue
In just a wink
I'd forget you.
The march is playing
My heart is crying
Farewell my lady
Away I'm going.
If in the battle
I were to die
Be careful
Not to cry.
For they could be so many
The tears you'd shed
That I could even
Rise from the dead.
Jeannette Nieves, sent this song with the note, "Hi, today I was looking for kids songs and I came across your website that moved me much. Now that I'm a young grandma, I'd like my granddaughter to know the children's songs from my country Puerto Rico - since I live in the US and I wouldn't like my granddaughter to lose such nice and moving songs that I grew up with and that I used to sing to my children. Now I'm teaching the baby 'La linda manita' and 'Pon, pon el dedito en el pilón' Thanks for your interesting site."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Jeannette Nieves for contributing this song.
¡Muchas gracias!