Na Wojtusia z popielnika
Michał sent me this song with the note: "I happened to visit your page just by accident. However, I've spent a lot of time and smiled many times, viewing its contents. Thank you for reminding me of my childhood. I haven't found a lullaby that my dad used to sing to my sister and me many years ago. I can remember it well, so here it is - perhaps someone will smile at it the way I did at the other songs."
Na Wojtusia z popielnika
From the Ashtray of Wojtuś
Na Wojtusia z popielnika
Iskiereczka mruga
- Chodź opowiem ci bajeczkę,
Bajka będzie długa.
Była sobie raz królewna,
Pokochała grajka,
Król wyprawił im wesele...
I skończona bajka.
Była sobie Baba Jaga,
Miała chatkę z masła,
A w tej chatce same dziwy...
Cyt! iskierka zgasła.
Patrzy Wojtuś, patrzy, duma,
Zaszły łzą oczęta.
Czemuś mnie tak okłamała?
Wojtuś zapamięta.
Już ci nigdy nie uwierzę Iskiereczko mała.
Najpierw błyśniesz, potem gaśniesz,
Ot i bajka cała.
From the ashtray of Wojtuś*
A Spark is blinking
- Come, I'll tell you a fairytale,
The fairytale will be long.
Once there was a princess,
She fell in love with a busker**,
The king has organized a wedding for them...
And the tale is over.
Once there was a besom***,
She had a hut made of butter,
And in the hut everything was so strange...
Pop! - the Spark has blown out.
Wojtuś is looking and wondering,
Tears have come to his eyes.
Why have you lied to me like this?
Wojtuś will remember.
Never shall I believe you again, little Spark,
First you blink, then you blow out
And that's the whole fairytale.
*Wojtuś is a male Polish name
**A busker is a street performer (for money)
***A hag
I interpret this song to mean that the Spark is telling Wojtuś the story or perhaps making him dream it.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Michał Budryk for contributing and translating this song. Thanks to Monique Palomares for the midi tune and score.