Alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'
This song is extremely popular. It's sung as a closing song almost everywhere.

Alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'
Everyone, Everyone Is Going Home
Children's Song
Children's Song
Alle Leut', alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'
Alle Leut', alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'
Grosse Leut', kleine Leut',
Dicke Leut', dünne Leut'
Laute Leut', leise Leut'
Alle Leut', alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'
Alle Leut', alle Leut' winken sich zu,
Sagen auf wiedersehen,
Das war heut' wieder schön.
Alle Leut', alle Leut' winken sich zu.
Everyone, everyone is going home.
Everyone, everyone is going home.
Big people, little people,
Fat people, thin people,
Loud people, quiet people,
Everyone, everyone is going home.
Everyone, everyone is waving goodbye.
We say goodbye,
That was fun again today!
Everyone, everyone is waving goodbye.

Many thanks to the children of the German Australian Playschool in Canberra, Australia, for singing this song for us!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Lisa and the staff from the German Australian Playschool in Canberra, Australia, for contributing and translating this song.
Vielen Dank!