Kolo, kolo mlynské
Here's a cute Slovak circle game...

Kolo, kolo mlynské
Wheel, Wheel of The Mill
Circle Game
Circle Game
Kolo, kolo mlynské
za štyri rýnske
kolo sa nám polámalo
a do vody popadalo
urobilo bác!
Vezmeme si hoblík, pílku
zahráme sa ešte chvíľku
až to kolo spravíme
tááááák sa zatočíme!
Wheel, wheel of the mill,
Bought for four rýnske*
The wheel has broken
And fell down into the water
It splashed.
Let's take a saw and a jack-plane.
Repairing it's a moments play
And when we're finished,
We will turn around!
*Old money
Game Instructions
While singing the first part, the children move in a circle holding hands. On the word "bac" (splash), they let go of each others' hands and everybody falls down.
During the second part, the children are crouching on the ground and they pretend to use instruments with their hands -the movements are similar to playing a violin. On the line, "we will turn around" they stand up and tuuuuuuuuuuurn around.
Zuzana said, "If someone in Slovakia is learning to play any musical instrument, this is usually the first song he plays. I cannot play the piano, but this melody I can play. This song is so worn-out and childish..."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Zuzana Bezakova for contributing and translating this song.