La rana cucú
La rana cucú
The Frog Cucu's
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Cucú cantaba la rana
cucú debajo del agua
cucú pasó un caballero
cucú con capa y sombrero
cucú pasó una señora
cucú con falda de cola
cucú pasó un marinero
cucú vendiendo romero
cucú le pidió una ramito
cucú no le quiso dar
cucú y se echó a llorar.
Cucu, cucu, sang the frog,
Cucu, cucu, under the water,
Cucu, cucu, a man walked by,
Cucu, cucu, with a coat and a hat,
Cucu, cucu, a woman walked by,
Cucu, cucu, with a long dress,
Cucu, cucu, a sailor walked by,
Cucu, cucu, selling rosemary,
Cucu, cucu, the little frog asked for a sprig,
Cucu, cucu, but he didn't give her any,
Cucu, cucu, and she burst into tears.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Melissa Price for contributing this song. Translated by Olga López and Lisa Yannucci.
¡Muchas gracias!