La Kova Shelie Shalosh Pinot
This song is the Hebrew version of "My Hat it has Three Corners." It's sung for Purim, a holiday that celebrates the saving of the Jews from the evil minister Haman in ancient Persia. The tradition says that Haman wore a 3 cornered, triangular hat. Jewish people eat a cookie called Hamantashen that represents Haman's hat to celebrate his defeat. They also sing this song...

La Kova Shelie Shalosh Pinot
My Hat Has Three Corners
Purim Song
Purim Song
La kova shelie shalosh pinot,
Shalosh pinot la kova shelie.
Lu-ley hayu lo shalosh pinot,
Lo haya ze ha kova shelie.
My hat has three corners,
Three corners my hat has,
If it did not have three corners,
It would not be my hat.
Read more about Purim, the symbol of Haman's hat and also find a Recipe for Hamantashen here.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Mashy Zohar Yefet for contributing and translating this song! Photo by Lisa.
Toda raba!