Ahora que vamos despacio
This is a somewhat nonsensical song.
Ahora que vamos despacio
Now That We Go Slowly
Canción infantil
Children's Song
1 Ahora que vamos despacio,
ahora que vamos despacio
vamos a contar mentiras,
vamos a contar mentiras,
vamos a contar mentiras.
2 Por el mar corren las liebres,
por el mar corren las liebres
por el monte las sardinas,
por el monte las sardinas,
por el monte las sardinas.
3 Mi abuelo tenía un peral,
mi abuelo tenía un peral
criando ricas manzanas
criando ricas manzanas
criando ricas manzanas.
4 Cuando le tiraban piedras,
cuando le tiraban piedras
caían las avellanas
caían las avellanas
caían las avellanas.
5 Con el ruido de las nueces,
con el ruido de las nueces
salió el amo del manzano
salió el amo del manzano
salió el amo del manzano.
6 Chiquillos, no tiréis piedras,
chiquillos, no tiréis piedras
que no es mío el melonar
que no es mío el melonar
¡tra-la-rá!,que no es mío el melonar.
7 Si me rompéis un pepino;
si me rompéis un pepino
os lo tendré que pagar
os lo tendré que pagar
¡tra-la-rá!,os lo tendré que pagar.
1. Now that we go slowly,
Now that we go slowly,
We're going to tell lies,
We're going to tell lies,
We're going to tell lies.
2. The hares run across the sea,
The hares run across the sea,
The sardines over the mountain,
The sardines over the mountain,
The sardines over the mountain.
3. My grandfather had a pear tree,
My grandfather had a pear tree,
That grew tasty apples,
That grew tasty apples,
That grew tasty apples.
4. When they threw stones at it,
When they threw stones at it,
The hazelnuts fell,
The hazelnuts fell,
The hazelnuts fell.
5. At the noise of the falling nuts,
At the noise of the falling nuts,
The owner of the apple tree came out,
The owner of the apple tree came out,
The owner of the apple tree came out.
6. Kids, do not throw stones,
Kids, do not throw stones,
The melon patch is not mine,
The melon patch is not mine,
The melon patch is not mine.
7. If you break one of my cucumbers,
If you break one of my cucumbers,
I will have to pay you for it.
I will have to pay you for it.
I will have to pay you for it.
Additional or alternative verses:
Estrofa 2 o 3
Salí de mi campamento
Salí de mi campamento
Con hambre de seis semanas,
Con hambre de seis semanas,
Con hambre de seis semanas.
Estrofa 3 o 4
Me encontré con un ciruelo
Me encontré con un ciruelo
Cargadito de manzanas,
Cargadito de manzanas,
Cargadito de manzanas…
Estrofa 7 o 8
Que es de una pobre señora,
Que es de una pobre señora
Que vive en El Escorial,
Que vive en El Escorial,
Que vive en El Escorial.
English Translation
Alternative for the 2nd or 3rd Verse
I went out of my camp
I went out of my camp
I hadn't eaten in six weeks
I hadn't eaten in six weeks
I hadn't eaten in six weeks.
Alternative for the 3th or 4th Verse
I came across a plum tree
I came across a plum tree
Full of apples
Full of apples
Full of apples.
Alternative for the 7th or 8th Verse
It belongs to a poor lady
It belongs to a poor lady
Who lives in the Escorial* Palace
Who lives in the Escorial Palace
Who lives in the Escorial Palace.
*El Escorial is the Spanish Kings' Palace in Madrid

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Lidia F de la Torre for contributing this song and to Monique Palomares for the midi tune. Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.