Cinco elefantitos
To play Five Little Elephants, use all 5 fingers and end with the thumb as the winning elephant.

Cinco elefantitos
Five Little Elephants
Juego de dedos
Finger Play
Cinco elefantitos, éste se cayó,
Cuatro elefantitos, éste se perdió,
Tres elefantitos, éste se enfermó,
Dos elefantitos, éste se murió.
Ahora queda uno, uno se quedó,
Y este elefantito, ¡me lo llevo yo!
¡Me lo llevo yo!
Five little elephants, this one fell down,
Four little elephants, this one lost its way,
Three little elephants, this one got sick,
Two little elephants, this one passed away.
Now one is left, one did stay,
And this little elephant, I'll take it away!
I'll take it away!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Katherine Smith for contributing this finger play. English translation by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci. Illustration by Monique.
¡Muchas gracias!