Rosario sent this song with the note: "My mother learned this when she was a little kid. It's from Mexico."

Allá en la fuente - Mexican Children's Songs - Mexico - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Later, I received this note from Nancy Tolbert: "I couldn't help but notice that you have a song posted from a great composer Francisco Gabilondo Soler. The song is missing a lot of lyrics and the title is incorrect. I grew up listening to his music religiously and I think it is essential for children to connect to his beautifully crafted lyrics. You can find the correct lyrics and the title at Cri-Cri. [The song is called 'El Chorrito'.] Also, I just wanted to clear up a misunderstanding of the contributor to your site, 'El Chorrito' is not a traditional or folk song, it belongs to Francisco Gabilondo Soler AKA 'Cri-Cri". -Thank you, Nancy Tolbert"

Thanks for pointing this out Nancy! Above is just one verse of Gabilondo Soler's song 'El Chorrito'. See the link above for the rest of the lyrics and a recording.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Rosario Guzman for contributing this song.

¡Muchas gracias!