Wren's Day is celebrated on St. Stephen's Day on December 26th. Traditionally it was celebrated throughout Ireland. Nowadays, the tradition can only be found in some towns.

Originally, boys and men (called wrenboys) would hunt for a wren to bring good luck for the New Year. They'd bring it around with them attached to a small bush they'd carry from house to house asking for money to bury their wren. (They no longer carry around real wrens. Sometimes they carry an effigy of a wren.) The wrenboys go around asking for money and singing wren songs. Some dress up in colorful straw outfits. In some towns they even have parades.

Here's one song that's sung on Wren's Day. Many variations exist.

The Wren Song - Irish Children's Songs - Ireland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


(1) A yellow flowered shrub in the pea family. It's also called a gorse.
(2) A wattle is the name for the stick cut off a bush for the purpose of hunting the wren.
(3) Droolin is the word for wren in Irish Gaelic.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - The Wren Song

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Photo: Wrenboys on St. Stephen's Day in Dingle, Ireland.