Dandelion Poems

Here are 2 poems about dandelions and dandelion seed pods.


"Pretty seeds, what makes you fly,
Now here, now there, now low, now high?"
"’Tis the wind lifts me!
‘Tis the wind drifts me
Tosses me in merry play,
Here and there and every way."

-Laura E. Richards


image_thumb157_thumb62The Dandelion Cycle
By Emilie Poulsson

"Pretty little Goldilocks, shining in the sun,
Pray, what will become of you when the summer’s done ?"

"Then I’ll be old Silverhead; for, as I grow old,
All my shining hair will be white instead of gold.

"And where rests a silver hair that has blown from me,
Other little Goldilocks in the Spring you’ll see!

"Goldilocks to Silverhead, Silverhead to gold,
So the change is going on every year, I’m told."

From: In the child’s world: morning talks and stories for kindergartens, primary schools and homes (1893)

Feel free to add any Dandelion Poems or Rhymes you know in the comments below.

Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Monday, May 9th, 2011 at 3:54 pm and is filed under English, Languages, Poems, Poems about Flowers, Poems about Spring, Poetry, Poetry about the Seasons. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

2 Responses to “Dandelion Poems”

  1. kath pearson Says:

    Can’t believe it!
    I am a 74yr old Gran looking for a poem for my small grandson to learn for his homework. I have recited ‘Pretty little Goldilocks – – ” to him on several occasions – passing the time on car journeys – as a poem from a book I had as a little girl – ( I often wondered if my memory was accurate) Just for fun we ‘Googled’ the first line, and hey presto! All in favour of kids learning poetry. Perhaps he’ll be teaching it to his grandchildren in 70 years time. Oh the wonders of ‘tinternet’. The book was lost years ago.
    Made my day! Kath P

    p.s. My memory was accurate.

  2. Lisa Says:

    That’s wonderful Kath! If you’d ever like to record it for us, or if your grandson would like to, we’d always be happy to add it to the poem page.

    Best wishes always, Mama Lisa

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