Can Anyone help with a Spanish Song about a Fish Going Out to Play?

Jesse Catano wrote:


Was wondering if you could help me, was wondering if any chance you knew of a song, it was one my dad use to sing to me when i was little. My dad is from united states, but perhaps he learned it from his father who was raised in Mexico. I want to find this song so now once my child is born I can sing it to her. I do not remember whole song or exact words I cant spell spanish too well so i will say it in english, it was about a fish and went like this. “The fish asked his mom if he could go outside to play, but she said no, but he went outside anyways and got caught by a mean man. Spanish its like “el pescado salio, el salio a huga, vino un mucacho malo, e vino a matar. Something like that in spanish – told you spelling not the best. Hope you could make it out. If this sounds familiar please let me know. Thank You.

Monique from the Spanish version of Mama Lisa’s World wrote out the Spanish part given above in Spanish with accents:

El pescado salió
él salió a jugar,
vino un muchacho malo
y lo vino a matar.

Monique wrote: “Normally in Spanish, a live fish is ‘un pez’. ‘Un pescado’ (literally meaning ‘a fished one’) is a caught fish – usually dead! But maybe in some places, any fish whether caught, or alive and free, is ‘un pescado’.”

If anyone can help with this song, please let us know in the comments below.


Mama Lisa

This article was posted on Friday, March 5th, 2010 at 5:35 pm and is filed under Children's Songs, Countries & Cultures, Languages, Mama Lisa, Mexican Children's Songs, Mexico, Questions, Readers Questions, Spain, Spanish, Spanish Kids Songs, USA. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

3 Responses to “Can Anyone help with a Spanish Song about a Fish Going Out to Play?”

  1. Wereh Says:

    There is a very old popular song that goes:

    “Lindo Pescadito”
    En el agua clara que brota la fuente,
    un lindo pescadito sale de repente.
    Lindo pescadito no quieres salir
    a jugar conmigo? Vamos al jardín!

    Yo vivo en el agua: no puedo salir
    porque si me salgo, me puedo morir.
    Lindo pescadito no quieres salir
    a jugar conmigo? Vamos al jardín.

    Mi mamá me dijo, ìNo salgas de aquí
    porque si te sales, te vas a morir.î
    Lindo pescadito, yo te debo amar
    porque a tu mamita sabes respetar.

    Pretty Little Fish
    In the clear water
    that flows in the fountain
    a pretty little fish
    comes out suddenly

    Pretty little fish,
    won’t you come out
    and play with me?
    Let’s go to the playground!

    My mom told me “don’t go out of here,
    because if you go out you will die”
    Pretty Little fish, I must love you
    because you know how to respect your mom

    (a very catchy song, the lyrics O_o) Hope this helps

  2. Jesse Says:

    Thank Alot! Been looking for this song for a long time really grateful

  3. Karina Says:

    3 pecesitos salieron a jugar
    El mas pequeno se fue al fondo del mar
    un tiburon le dijo “ven aca”
    no, no , no se enoja mi mama!

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