This song is the Hebrew version of "My Hat it has Three Corners." It's sung for Purim, a holiday that celebrates the saving of the Jews from the evil minister Haman in ancient Persia. The tradition says that Haman wore a 3 cornered, triangular hat. Jewish people eat a cookie called Hamantashen that represents Haman's hat to celebrate his defeat. They also sing this song...

La Kova Shelie Shalosh Pinot - Israeli Children's Songs - Israel - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Read more about Purim, the symbol of Haman's hat and also find a Recipe for Hamantashen here.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Mashy Zohar Yefet for contributing and translating this song! Photo by Lisa.

Toda raba!
Thank you in Hebrew Text