

Krysta wrote:

I saw the nursery rhyme about the crayfish. My family has a slightly different version that I think people might enjoy.

Lezie rak,
Nie burak.
Jak ugryzie,
Będzie znak.

Here comes a lobster,
Not a beet.
When he bites you,
It leaves a mark.

My Mom is going to ask my grandmother to write down any children's songs and rhymes that she remembers. If there's anything you don't already have, I'll send it along. :)



Game Instructions

This is a finger play (or rather a "body" play) - fingers are "walking" from the tummy to the underarms and... tickling.

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Agnieszka Magnucka for contributing and translating this song and to Krista for the 2nd version and translation.
