I asked Emanuela Marsura, a teacher in Italy, if they have an Italian version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and she wrote: "We do not have a song like this. One that is a little like it might be 'Stella stellina'"…


*Chioccia is a mother hen when she has hatching eggs and when she has chicks.
** Fare la nanna is baby talk for "to sleep", like "beddy bye" or "night night".



Thanks to Emanuela Marsura for recording this song with background music!


Thanks to Emanuela Marsura for singing this song for us!

Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.

Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Stella, stellina

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Emanuela Marsura for contributing this song with an English translation.

Grazzie mille!