I asked Monique of Mama Lisa’s World en français what French people say at Midnight on New Year’s. Here’s what she wrote…
We don’t sing at the New Year. When it’s midnight, the party being small or big, we go kiss everybody we know saying, Bonne année (have a good year), Bonne année, bonne santé (have a good year and good health) or Meilleurs voeux (best wishes). To people we know better, we say Tout plein de bonnes choses (lots of good things), Plein de bonheur (lots of happiness), and Que tout aille bien (may all go well).
Two single female friends might add Et qu’on se trouve un mec! (May we find a guy!), depending on whether they wish to find themselves a guy or not! (At least, we say that, I don’t know if others do.) I don’t know if two single male friends say, Et qu’on se trouve une nana! (May we find a chick!) to each other, not being a man myself, and knowing that men generally keep this kind of wish to themselves.
People try to phone their family members to wish them a Happy New Year if they know they’re not asleep. But the lines are generally jammed. We usually phone our families during New Year’s Day. And we send a card to people we don’t phone. We generally don’t send Xmas cards, only New Year’s cards, and now, with phones and emails, we do it less and less.
Bonne année, bonne santé et meilleurs vœux !
This article was posted on Saturday, December 31st, 2005 at 11:50 am and is filed under Countries & Cultures, France, French, Holidays Around the World, Languages, New Years. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.