I’ll give the recipe here for a matzo omelet. It’s inspired by the dish called Matzo brei. There’s a little story behind this and I’ll tell it in a moment. Matzo brei means fried matzo. The traditional way to make it is with a lot of matzo – you generally use equal eggs to matzo. Jewish people eat it around Passover. A matzo omelet is different, it’s an omelet with matzo in it – more egg less matzo!
A few years ago, my mother-in-law was explaining matzo brei to me. I suppose I misunderstood her explanation. I went home and made a traditional omelet for my husband with matzo in it. I made it using a little matzo per egg. It turns out that he loved it! I made him omelets like that for years, thinking I was cooking authentic Jewish food. My bad! I wasn’t. I had come up with a new invention: a matzo omelet. It wasn’t until this year, when my sister-in-law taught me the real way to make matzo brei, that I learnt the difference. I personally prefer the matzo omelet to the savory matzo brei.
So let’s get to the recipe! I’ll start by saying the you can put whatever you like into the matzo omelet. Here are some suggestions: fry up any of the following first: chopped onions, green or red peppers, mushrooms, or other vegetables that you might put into a normal omelet. You can also add cheese to the matzo omelet. I’d recommend Swiss or cheddar cheese – use whatever you and your family like.
Here’s the basic recipe for the matzo omelette:
Matzo Omelet
3 Eggs
1 Matzo
1/4 c. Milk
Salt and Pepper to Taste
1) Melt butter in a frying pan, fry up any vegetables you want to use on medium heat. When they’re soft and lightly brown, turn off the heat and set aside.
2) Beat the eggs with a fork. Add the milk, salt and pepper and stir again.
3) Break up the matzo into bite sized pieces and put into the egg mixture.
4) Stir the matzo in the with eggs
5) Put the frying pan with the vegetables back on medium heat and add the egg mixture.
6) Once the omelet starts to get firm you can add cheese to half of the pan.
7) Once the cheese starts to melt, and the omelet gets less liquidy, you can flip half of the omelet over the other half. I flipped it and cut it in half to help it cook more quickly. You may need to lower the heat if the bottom starts to cook too quickly.
8) You can flip the omelet again after a couple of minutes, make sure the inside gets cooked. Once the eggs are firm on the inside, you’re ready to eat it!
Bon appetit!
Mama Lisa
PS I used whole milk for the omelet because we had it in our fridge for another recipe. I don’t normally use whole milk, but 1%. The whole milk gave the omelet a more custardy taste. More yummy, though more fattening. Interesting to know as a cook!
This article was posted on Wednesday, April 15th, 2009 at 5:53 pm and is filed under Breakfast and Brunch, Countries & Cultures, Holidays Around the World, Israel, Main Course, Omelets, Passover, Recipes of the World, Savory Matzo Brei, USA, Yiddish. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
May 22nd, 2009 at 2:19 pm
Lisa, this omelet sounds really good, I’ll have to try it. I think adding the matzohs would give it a different texture. Got any matzohs?
May 22nd, 2009 at 2:35 pm
It is very good! I’ll check to see if we have any before we come.