Here’s the Peruvian Christmas Carol – Ya viene el Niñito – “Here Comes Baby Jesus”. First you’ll find a YouTube rendition of it by children in Loja – Ecuador (South America), followed by the lyrics in Spanish and then an English translation…
Ya viene el Niñito
Ya viene el Niñito jugando entre flores
Y los pajaritos le cantan amores
Ya se despertaron los pobres pastores
Y le van llevando pajitas y flores
La paja esta fría la cama está dura
La Virgen María llora con ternura
Ya nomás se caen todas las estrellas
A los pies del niño, más lindo que ellas
Niñito bonito, manojo de flores
Llora pobrecito por los pecadores.
Here’s a rhyming translation I did in English based on a literal translation by Monique Palomares…
Here comes Baby Jesus playing among the flowers
And the birdies sing him love songs from the bowers
The poor shepherds awoke at an early hour
So they could bring him straw and flowers
The bed is hard, the straw is cold,
The Virgin Mary cries tenderly, behold.
Now all of the stars in the sky descend
At the baby’s feet, he’s prettier than them.
Bunch of flowers, beautiful son,
Cries for sinners, poor little one.
Many thanks to Armando Vertiz Cayo for contributing this song.
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This article was posted on Wednesday, December 17th, 2008 at 7:41 pm and is filed under Christmas, Christmas Songs, Countries & Cultures, Ecuador, English, Holiday Songs, Holidays Around the World, Languages, Mama Lisa, Peru, Spain, Spanish, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Ya viene el Niñito, YouTube. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
December 19th, 2008 at 10:13 am
Dear, the childrens in video are Ecuadorians and not Peruvians.
Merry Christmas
December 19th, 2008 at 10:30 am
The children are Ecuadorian – but we believe the song is originally Peruvian – even though it may be sung in Ecuador too.
Merry Christmas!
Mama Lisa
December 2nd, 2010 at 6:18 pm
November 19th, 2012 at 2:26 am
i really like your sing it is very good
Have fun at christmas