Baba Ghanoush (also spelled baba ghanouj) is an eggplant dip that’s eaten in the Middle East. Variations can be found in Egypt, Syria, Israel, Palestine, Jordon, Lebanon, Turkey and Armenia.
Baba Ghanoush is often served with other dips like hummus. Pita bread is usually sliced up and dipped into the baba ghanoush. We also eat baba ghanoush "sandwiches" in a pita pocket with a combination of chopped lettuce, tomato, cucumber and/or onions.
When making baba ghanoush, you can grill the eggplant or cook it in the oven. I gave directions below for both. I also recommend doubling this recipe so you’ll have leftovers and can eat it throughout the week for lunch or dinner.
Recipe for Baba Ghanouj
1 Eggplant
1/4 cup Tahini
1/2 Lemon
1 clove Garlic
1 T. Olive Oil
To Cook in the Oven:
1. Wash off eggplant and prick with fork a couple of times on each side.
2. Place eggplant on a cookie sheet or roasting pan lined with aluminum foil.
3. Place in oven on high broil. Turn once the skin gets dark – every 5 minutes – until it’s charred on each side. Leave in oven.
4. Switch oven setting to bake on 400F.
5. Turn every 15 – 20 minutes until eggplant get’s very soft inside and collapses. Cook about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
6. Cut a slit down the side of the eggplant with a knife. Place eggplant with slit down in a colander. Let sit for about 1/2 hour. This will drain out the excess liquid.
7. Remove eggplant flesh and place in food processor with the tahini, garlic and lemon juice. Puree.
8. Refrigerate
Serve with pita bread.
1. Set grill to medium-low.
2. Wash off eggplant and prick with fork a couple of times on each side.
3. Place eggplant on the grill and cover.
4. Turn every 15 – 20 minutes until eggplant get’s very soft inside and collapses. Cook about 45 minutes to 1 hour.
5. Remove from grill and cut a slit down the side of the eggplant with a knife. Place eggplant with slit down in a colander. Let sit for about 1/2 hour. This will drain out the liquid.
6. Remove eggplant flesh and place in food processor with the tahini, garlic and lemon juice. Puree.
7. Refrigerate
Variations: A dash of cumin and chopped fresh parsley are commonly added when food processing the mixture. Tomato, onion and mint are less commonly added.
Baba ghanouj is particularly good in the hot weather. You can make it in advance and have a nice easy meal!
Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015 at 7:45 pm and is filed under Armenia, Baba Ghanoush, Countries & Cultures, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Main Course, Middle Eastern Cuisine, Palestine, Recipes of the World, Syria, Turkey. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.