Sadao Mazuka sent us this article about the rainy season of June in Japan…
June is a rainy season here in Japan. The English word “June” gives us a feeling of bright and refreshing air, especially with a word such as, “June-Bride”. But in Japanese, it’s “6月(Rokugatsu = June)”. It makes us think of a rather dark sky and rain.
Today my wife and I went to a local Japanese Iris Garden in the drizzling rain. Japanese irises and hydrangeas are almost in full bloom.
In the Iris Garden, there is a stone haiku monument written by Nakamura, Teijyo (a female haiku-poet; 1900-1988).
Here’s the Haiku:
花菖蒲 (Japanese irises)
かがやく雨の (Brighten from rain),
走るなり (Falling on them)
(中村汀女) -By Nakamura, Teijo
Kagayaku Ame-no
So I translated it like this:
On the irises —
Rain is falling on the petals
To increase their brilliancy.
Anyway, rain in June is one of the blessings from God that we are going to have good harvest of rice in Autumn, and I hope not have heavy rain turning into a flood.
So we can say: Long rain in June brings a good harvest of rice in September.
Thanks for sharing Sadao!
-Mama Lisa
This article was posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 at 3:01 pm and is filed under Countries & Cultures, Haiku, Japan, Japanese, Japanese Poems, Languages, Poetry, Rain, Seasonal, Spring, Weather. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.